

Bugs in a Fridge: A Monitoring Story

This has been a fruitful summer field season for monitoring. Early in the Spring, we finalized the 2-3-2 Multiparty Monitoring Plan and then put the plan to use! Field crews from Mountains Studies Institute and the Forest Stewards Guild were active in all four of the National Forests in the Rio Chama CFLRP landscape, the Rio Grande,

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Bighorn State Line Prescribed Burn: A Reflection

In the middle of the woods at approximately the 37th parallel in North America, I walk along an invisible line. How do I know I’m on it? My phone tells me. I’m located about an hour from Chama, NM (pop. 912), 25 minutes from Antonito, CO (pop. 647). Needless to say, there’s not a lot

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What does it mean to monitor?

The 2-3-2 Partnership just finished the first edition of the Multiparty Monitoring Plan thanks to the dedicated hard work and collaboration of partners and staff. In fact, since it rolled out, the first on the ground monitoring took place in Tres Piedras. All of it got me thinking. Why do we humans pay attention to

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Authentic Engagement: Be Like a Tree

How do you know if someone is being authentic? Just as importantly, how do you ensure that you are? I’ve often heard that building trust is a function of consistency over time. But how much time? Who decides? I had a conversation at the 2-3-2 Partnership meeting in early February in Taos with John Waconda,

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Potential Operational Delineations (PODS) Workshop

On March 26th & 27th a Potential Operational Delineations (PODS) workshop was held with the San Juan & Rio Grande National Forests, county emergency management, local fire managers and local non-profits. PODs are useful for planning strategic response and summarizing wildfire risk within predefined polygons throughout a landscape. Local fire experts identified control locations in

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Valle Seco Hazardous Fuels Project Proposal

The San Juan National Forest is proposing a fuels reduction project in the 2-3-2 landscape in the Valle Seco area. The initial proposal is to use targeted shrub mastication and forest thinning to reduce hazardous fuels and increase wildfire resilience on approximately 2,800 acres along Forest Service roads in the Valle Seco Area. The purpose

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