‘Uncharted Territory’ as Wildfire Fighting Adapts to Pandemic
Read the full article HERE.
Read the full article HERE.
Read the full article HERE.
Read the full article in the Taos News, link HERE.
On March 26th & 27th a Potential Operational Delineations (PODS) workshop was held with the San Juan & Rio Grande National Forests, county emergency management, local fire managers and local non-profits. PODs are useful for planning strategic response and summarizing wildfire risk within predefined polygons throughout a landscape. Local fire experts identified control locations in
The San Juan National Forest is proposing a fuels reduction project in the 2-3-2 landscape in the Valle Seco area. The initial proposal is to use targeted shrub mastication and forest thinning to reduce hazardous fuels and increase wildfire resilience on approximately 2,800 acres along Forest Service roads in the Valle Seco Area. The purpose
Call for Applications from Landowners: Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP) Through a partner effort, the Regional Conservation Partners Program grant “Building Resiliency in the San Juan – Rio Chama Region” was recently approved for $3.25 million in funding. This grant is a collaborative project to implement on-the-ground conservation practices on forest, range, and irrigated lands
A $450 million drinking water project that was first conceived decades ago is paying off as New Mexico’s largest metro area has slashed its reliance on groundwater by almost 70 percent despite the arid state’s struggles with drought. Utility officials are celebrating the 10-year anniversary of the San Juan-Chama Project. It has resulted in billions of
Renewed Investments in our Forest Products Business Community In response to renewed optimism on the part of our forest products business community, five new and current forest products businesses in southwest Colorado are receiving financing and making significant investments in their businesses through the Colorado State Forest Service (CSFS) Forest Business Loan Fund. Circle sawmills,
Through quarterly in-person meetings (hosted at locations throughout the 2-3-2 geography), bi-monthly web meetings, and regular communication, the 2-3-2 has established a critical cross-boundary dialogue about resource management and developed networks for sharing resources, lessons learned, and tools for coordinating land management activities. Just one of many examples is set forth below. “When Jeremy Marshall
While communities both locally and nationally were impacted by large wildfires this year, fire fighters and land managers of the 2-3-2 region kept up fuel mitigation work once conditions improved in September. After working and planning all summer, local managers finally had the resources and conditions necessary to continue important work on prescribed burning in
© 2-3-2 Cohesive Strategy Partnership 2018