
Fire and Free Will
According to a preeminent voice on free will, Robert Sapolsky, we humans used to attribute the weather, especially bad weather, to witches. We assumed that the natural forces we experienced were completely within human control and therefore needed to be

What Birds Tell Us About the Forest
Assessing the quality of bird habitat is nuanced. The density of trees, the presence or lack of fire, and tree species diversity all contribute to conditions that can be favorable or detrimental to different bird species. What if we turned

Reservoir Hill: Local Impact, Regional Change
The story of Reservoir Hill is as inspirational as it is impactful. Just behind Pagosa Springs lies this community resource befit with trails and an immaculate frisbee golf course. However, it wasn’t always the case. Like many ponderosa pine forests,

Thoughts from Rio San Antonio
The outcomes of collaboration are not always easy to see. Often, as is the case with the stream restoration on the Rio San Antonio, the visible work is merely the tip of the iceberg. Through years of conversation, discussions, and

Bugs in a Fridge: A Monitoring Story
This has been a fruitful summer field season for monitoring. Early in the Spring, we finalized the 2-3-2 Multiparty Monitoring Plan and then put the plan to use! Field crews from Mountains Studies Institute and the Forest Stewards Guild were active in

Bighorn State Line Prescribed Burn: A Reflection
In the middle of the woods at approximately the 37th parallel in North America, I walk along an invisible line. How do I know I’m on it? My phone tells me. I’m located about an hour from Chama, NM (pop.

What does it mean to monitor?
The 2-3-2 Partnership just finished the first edition of the Multiparty Monitoring Plan thanks to the dedicated hard work and collaboration of partners and staff. In fact, since it rolled out, the first on the ground monitoring took place in

Authentic Engagement: Be Like a Tree
How do you know if someone is being authentic? Just as importantly, how do you ensure that you are? I’ve often heard that building trust is a function of consistency over time. But how much time? Who decides? I had
Regional News
- Santa Fe New Mexican, A fire in Southern Colorado could send Santa Fe and Albuquerque’s water supply up a creek
- United States Forest Service, Common Ground in the Rio Chama
- Colorado Sun, Three national forests in Colorado receive nearly $47 million for wildfire barriers
- United States Forest Service, Cross-boundary partnership brings together lands and people to prevent future wildfires
- US Senator Michael Bennet, Bennet, Merkley, Crapo Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Expand Collaborative Forest Work
- New Mexico Fire Information, Carson National Forest to Resume Prescribed Burns
- Rural Voices for Conservation Coalition, Governance Strategies for Large Landscape Partnerships in the West
- Tribal Business News, Program brings together agencies, tribal nations to restore fire resilience in Southwest
- Pagosa Sun, Rio Chama Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Project Aims to Achieve Partnership Goals
- Pagosa Daily Post, $30 Million Forest Restoration Project Getting Underway
- 2-3-2 Cohesive Strategy Partnership, Newly Funded Rio Chama Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Program to Help Achieve 2-3-2 Partnership Goals at Landscape Scale
- United States Forest Service, USDA Forest Service Awards $30 Million for Landscape Restoration in Northern New Mexico, Southern Colorado; MAP 1, MAP 2
Circle of Blue, In New Mexico, Partners Collaborate to End Siege from Megafires
Albuquerque Journal, Under control: Midnight Fire was manageable thanks to prescribed burns, thinning
Associated Press, Tribe seeks to adapt as climate change alters ancestral home
Fire Adapted New Mexico, Working together for resilience – the story of the Francisquito and Rincon Fires of 2019
USFS, Bighorn/Stateline Prescribed Burn: A Cross-Region/Cross-Stateline Success
The Nature Conservancy, Passing the Prescribed Burning Act HB 57
The Denver Post, New Mexico city celebrates $450M drinking water project
High Country News, Can a ranch sawmill improve forest health in rural Colorado?
2-3-2 Blog, Cooperative burning aided by 2-3-2 partnerships
2-3-2 Blog, Renewed investments in our forest products business communit