Invasives Projects
Rio Grande National Forest
- FY23 survey inventory focused on areas where future vegetation management actions will occur. A total of 12,600 acres were surveyed for noxious weeds under two separate contracts in the summer of 2023.
- Contractors mapped 259 acres of noxious weeds. These 1,144 infestations will be prioritized for treatment in FY24.
- In addition to the inventory, approximately 100 acres were treated under Interagency Agreement with the San Luis Valley BLM Field Office.
- Treatments were prioritized along roadways leading to future vegetation management projects authorized under the Trail Gulch Vegetation Management Project Decision.
San Juan National Forest
- Weed treatments focused on pretreating Rio Chama CFLR project areas.
- In FY 2023, 96 miles of roadsides were treated for invasive species for a total of 1721 acres.
- Aims to reduce the spread of invasives along designated transport routes for future timber and fuels treatments.
- Outyear planning will treat invasives behind timber sales and mastication units within the Rio Chama CFLRP landscape.
- Contract was awarded to a local, veteran-owned business

Invasive Musk Thistle