Wood Products Utilization

wood products 2

Wood Product Utilization Interviews

2-3-2 Landscape

The Forest Stewards Guild conducted interviews with six wood-processing facilities of various sizes and production logistics in the 2-3-2 landscape to better understand wood product utilization.

Key themes from the interviews:

  • The importance of volume from federal lands for long-term stabilization of wood processing businesses. Industry partners described the stability they receive from longer projects and how it’s associated with investments and improvements in processing capacity.
  • Challenges related to training and workforce retention. Many partners thought that supporting workforce development programs throughout the 2-3-2 would help subsidize labor costs by decreasing burden on the industry to pay for expensive training.
  • Challenges related to timber sale mechanisms. Partners explained that to achieve their timber sales, they essentially being asked to complete a pre-commercial thinning and a thinning at the same time, which does not adequately cover the cost of labor, hauling, and disposal of non-merchantable wood.
Custom mill work and specialty forest products from Ogluin's Sawmill and Firewood
Saw logs being processed at a local mill

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